Hebrews 9:16-17
In the case of a will, why is it necessary to prove the death of the one who made it?
Does a will ever go into effect while the person who made it is still living?
What is the purpose of a will?
In light of this verse, what is the significance of Christ’s death on the cross?
Where is the dividing line in history from the world’s perspective? From God’s perspective?
Hebrews 9: 18-22
How did Moses ratify the Old Covenant?
Why did he sprinkle blood on everything?
What is necessary for forgiveness to occur?
Who shed His blood on the cross for our forgiveness?
According to Hebrews 9:27-28, will He shed His blood again?
Jeremiah 31:31-34
What did the Lord say He would do someday in the future for the nation of Israel?
Would the new covenant be anything like the old?
What four things did God say He would do for the people once this New Covenant was ratified?
As we learned in Hebrews 9:22 what had to occur in order for this New Covenant to be established?
Luke 22:20
According to Jesus, what did the cup represent?
At this point in time, had the new covenant gone into effect?
In what way does the phrase “in my blood” show how the new covenant was to be ratified?
Was there any way to usher in the new covenant other than through the death of Jesus?
Galatians 4:4-5
According to Galatians 4:5-6 was Jesus born under law or under grace? For what purpose?
When Jesus lived on earth, did He live under the New covenant or the Old Covenant? Why?
If Christ had not died on the cross to redeem us, what covenant would we be living under today?
If your salvation was dependent on your ability to live up to the old covenant, would you have any hope of being saved?
John 19:30
After Jesus declared that His work was finished, what happened?
In Matthew 5:17 Jesus said that He did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. Do you believe that Jesus’ work on the cross fulfilled the terms and conditions of the old covenant?
What did Jesus’ death signify was and is now in effect?
Because of Christ’s death, what covenant do we live under as Children of God?
Be convinced of what a believer believes :)
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