Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bible Study 2-28-13

This was a pretty neat discussion tonight. As we read through the scriptures, we came across the one in 2 Timothy 2, verse 24-25:
A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance so that they may know the truth...
This reminded me of the verse, "Go into all the world and make disciples..."
Personally? The very idea exhausts me. Reading this, it seemed that we are supposed to be on the offense. We've all known some hard heads that are just bound and determine to believe that we're not totally forgiven, or sealed for redemption. They're simply not going to have it. The problem I have is them wanting to argue with me. Just leave me alone, please, and I'll leave you alone.
Now, if you have a question? Sure, I'd be glad to talk to you. But the playing one up game where we try to "win" an argument? No thanks. I just don't have the desire.
So... if you have questions.... look us up. If you want to argue, we won't engage.
Take a look at the video... interesting discussion towards the middle-end part.

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