Friday, April 5, 2013

Bible Study 4-4-13

The theme around this study was the validity of the Bible. How can we trust it to be true? Can we really depend on the contents between the covers to be accurate? True?
It was brought up that, without the Holy Spirit, the Bible is just going to be another book to study on an academic level.

Personally, through my years of studying and living, I've realized that as a young girl, I worshipped "The Bible", without realizing it. While I do appreciate the Bible, it's with God that I need to rest my dependency on. The Apostle Peter reminds us that although we ourselves are but temporal, the word of God endures forever.

In the beginning was the word, and the word was God, and the word was with God. 

God's word is eternal, without beginning or end, but this book we call "The Bible" is not.
The prophets wrote down what God told them to wrote down, and it was accurate. In the New Testament, some of the apostles that were close to Jesus wrote down their account, their diary, if you will, of what life was like with Jesus. After His ascension, the Apostles wrote letters, not necessarily to us, but for the new converts of the day. I wonder if Paul, Peter, John, and the others had a clue that the letters they wrote to the different people, would wind up in a collection of readings we call "The Bible"? Sure, they said, "Go spread the gospel," but did  they realize their written words would be used as a tool to know of this Gospel that saves?

Interesting ponderings.

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