Thursday, July 4, 2013

Galatians 5 June 30, 2013

So, this evening reference was Galatians 5. of course, the immediate reference of Galatians 5:22 came to mind. You know the one. The one that speaks of the fruit of the spirit? I suspect most every faithful church goer has memorized it.

"The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, against such there is no law."
Did I get it right? 

But, the topic of our Bible study wasn't neccesarily the fruit of the spirit. I don't know that I've ever read that chapter in context since understanding the New Coveannt, or if I had, it's been a while. 

So, Paul is fussing at the Galatians for comingling law and grace. He reminded them that circumcision was NOT what he was preaching. Had he been preaching that, he admitted that he probably wouldn't be persecuted so much. He reminded them that they were not under law, but under grace. Re-reading it, it seemed like Paul was pitching a fit to get the Galatians back on the track of Grace. 

This got me to thinking, God used some chatters and the ministry of People to People Ministries (now called Basic Gospel) to teach me His New Covenant. The Galatians had Paul to teach them. So, who was teaching the New Covenant from the time of Paul's death to the time I heard about it in 1999? This particular ministry has been around since about 1985, so why didn't I hear about it? Going to church pretty much all of my life, why didn't I ever read it? I had several Bibles to read, and even did lots of personal studies. Why didn't I get it? Several preachers that I listened to, from evangelical to pentecostal, cautioned listeners to not take their word for the meaning of the Bible, but to ask God to reveal it. Odd. Did I not do that? One preacher preached with gusto the "once saved, always saved" theology, the other preached, "backslide into hell" theology. They couldn't both be right. But with my limited knowledge, it seemed to me that they both had valid points. 

I wonder if God keeps the Gospel hidden until such time as we're ready to hear/receive it? I KNOW I've read the New Testament (and Old Testament for that matter) many many times in the past. How'd I miss the New Covenant? G reminded us that when the Law of Moses was read, there was a veil over our hearts. The purpose of the Law was to lead us to Jesus...lead us to the end of ourselves. I mean, it's not like the words were rearranged all of a sudden.  We had them there the whole time. I'm thinking our prideful hearts just can't accept the fact that Law + Grace just flat isn't where it's at.  So, it's true, until Jesus removes the veil, we won't understand the New Covenant.

I guess this just goes to prove that verse that says the thing of the Spirit makes no sense to the things of the flesh.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

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