Wow, tonight was fantastic! We continued in the studies of Victory over Depression, and several scriptures were brought up, one of which was found in Ephesians 1:13. We have been sealed with the promise Holy Spirit! We're going to stay sealed up to the day of redemption. Isn't that good news? What God seals, stays seals.
It was discussed that depression is often made up of the ingredients of misplaced dependencies; needing the approval or admiration of others, then when we don't get said approval or admiration, we start spiraling down hill.
Another ingredient of depression is unrealistic expectation. When others don't behave as we'd like, or expect, we become disappointed and that is also a downhill spiral. Let's face it, we've all been disappointed, and we've all disappointed other people. Right or wrong, it's happened.
So what can we do? Turn our eyes towards Jesus. He is the only person that will never let us down, we can totally depend on Him, and trust Him to love us as completely as he promises.
God's promises are beautiful!
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