Saturday, April 2, 2011

March 31, 2011

Another good session.  Although I've heard these truths before, I needed to hear them again. In part 3 of "Victory Over Depression", we're faced with the truth that a lot of our 'stinkin' thinkin' can be traced back to misplaced dependencies. Our self worth is based on what others think of us at any given moment.  We desperately try to "Keep up with the Jones' " and when the "Joneses" don't appreciate our effort, we get depressed. If our significant other doesn't give us their approval, we can get depressed.

The proper dependency is to rely on God's "opinion" of us for our self worth. Fact: He loves us. Fact: He'll never leave us or forsake us. Fact: God knew us in our mother's womb. Fact: God doesn't love us based on our good works, skills, looks or personality. God loves us because of Him.

So the question is, then, will we continue to try to pull our self worth from other people (who, incidentally, may be trying to pull their self worth from someone else), or will we recognize Whose child we are, and allow His love to be enough for us?

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